Butterfly Collection (Sun)
Coreopsis Early Sunrise 4”, Yarrow Moonshine 4”, Liatris Kobold 1 gal, Nepeta (Catmint) 1 gal, Agastache 4”, Eupatorium Baby Joe 1 gal, Sedum Autumn Joy 4’, Aster 4”, Asclepias Butterfly Weed 4”, Hollyhock 4”.
10 plants = $80.90
We reserve the right to substitute with equally suitable varieties.

Alternatives and Additions
Daylily 1 gal
Butterfly Bush 3 gal
Lavender 1 gal- 3 gal
Jupiter’s Beard-4”
Fennel Bronze- 4”-1 gal
Rudbeckia 4”-1 gal
Shasta Daisy 4”-1 gal
Bee Balm 1 gal
Coreopsis Moonbeam 4”
Phlox paniculata 1 gal
Salvia May Night 4’- 1 gal
Coneflower 1 gal
Anthemis 1 gal
Lantana, Salvia, Petunia, Verbena, Zinnia, Parsley

Bee (pollinator) Collection (sun)
Ajuga 4”, Salvia May Night 4”, Creeping Thyme 4”, Allium Millenium 1 gal, Bee Balm 1 gal, Nepeta (catmint) 1 gal, Coreopsis 4”, Aster 4”, Sedum Autumn Joy 4”, Agastache Blue Fortune 4”.
10 plants = $80.91
We reserve the right to substitute with equally suitable varieties.

Alternatives and Additions
These are priced separately
Lavender 1 gal
Germander 4”- 1 gal
Eupatorium Baby Joe 1 gal
Phlox paniculata 1 gal
Rose 3 gal
Scabiosa 1 gal
Anthemis 1 gal
Clethra 1-3 gal
Goldenrod 4
Alyssum, Lantana, Zinnia, Salvia, Cosmos, Ageratum, Borage, Pentas, Pineapple Sage, Snapdragon, Verbena, Cleome, Salvia Victoria, Fennel

Monarch Collection (sun)
Asclepias Butterfly Weed 4”(3), Asclepias Swamp Milkweed qt(1), Salvia Black and Blue 4”(1), Bronze Fennel 4” (1), Eupatorium Baby Joe one gal (1), Salvia Hot Lips 4” (1), Echinacea one gal (1), Phlox paniculate one gal (1).
10 plants = $81.90
We reserve the right to substitute with equally suitable varieties.

Alternatives and Additions
Clethra (Summersweet) 1gal-3 gal
Heuchera Coral Bells 4”-1 gal
Crossvine 1 gal
Honeysuckle 1 gal
Butterfly Bush 3 gal
Lantana, Pentas, Verbena, Pineapple Sage Salvias, Zinnias, Cosmos